Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Control Diabetes with Metformin

The latest survey on diabetes reveals a startling fact. The total number of people suffering from diabetes will double by 2020. Diabetes is chronic disorder characterized by high glucose levels or inefficient production of insulin in blood. There are two types of diabetes- type1, found mostly in kids, and type 2 diabetes, found in adults. If unattended, it can lead to serious repercussion like kidney failure, blindness, and nerve damage. Researchers are trying to devise various effective diabetes treatments. One such drug that has come at the right time to help people battling with diabetes is Metformin. This wonder drug helps regulate blood sugar levels in body, tackles age related diabetes, and lowers cholesterol levels in body.

Metformin has triple benefits. First, it lowers the amount of glucose produced in the liver, then, it reduces the amount of glucose absorbed through stomach from food, and lastly, it improves the effectiveness of insulin in body. Usually the glucose lowering drugs available in the market tend to lower blood glucose levels in body leading to a condition known as hypoglycaemia. Metformin on the other hand does not increase the concentration of insulin in the blood. 
According to the latest research, the drug helps in preventing pancreatic cancer in obese people. It also acts as an antioxidant and helps in preventing minor ischemic attacks. Diabetes also leads to premature aging/ accelerate aging. It also helps in preventing sugar cravings, stabilizes sugar levels, improves body composition, and improves insulin use. This drug also helps in lowering cholesterol levels in body by preventing low-density lipoprotein from attaching to the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting. Due to its sugar stabilizing properties, it is very useful for dieters and helps in preventing sugar cravings.

The dosage should be limited to 500 mg to 850 mg once or twice a day for people aged 40 years and above. People suffering with kidney or liver problems should consult a doctor before taking this medicine. Side effects in the form of nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, and stomach pain may be experienced. This drug can lead to deficiency of Vitamin B 12 , so the supplements of the same are recommended. Metformin should not be combined with other anti- hypertensive medicines, as it can lead to renal failure, cardiovascular problems, and other respiratory problems. Remember, diabetes is a chronic disease. It can never be fully cured. With diabetes treatment in the form of medicines, healthy diet, you can keep diabetes and other complications at bay. 

Read More :- http://www.artipot.com/articles/991145/control-diabetes-with-metformin.htm

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Metformin Weight Loss & Type II Diabetes

If you have tried endlessly to lose weight and failed every time, you may want to consult with your doctor about insulin resistance and the possibilities of Metformin weight loss. There have been studies that have shown Metformin to help you lose weight, especially if you have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes.

It is not clear that Metformin can help people lose weight if they do not have Type II diabetes but it has been prescribed to women and girls who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and have gained a lot of weight in a small amount time and cannot lose it no matter how much they exercise and watch what they eat.

Metformin weight loss happens when, with the assistance of the medication, your body learns to respond appropriately to the insulin that is released into the bloodstream and decreases the amount of glucose that the liver releases into the bloodstream according to what you eat.

Metformin has been prescribed by doctors for over 40 years to treat Type II diabetes for many other conditions and weight loss is one of them. It has been shown to decrease the death rate for individuals with Type II diabetes by an amazing 36%.

Metformin Side effects include diarrhea, indigestion and some people developing lactic acidosis which is rare. Most of the side effects are mild and will most likely disappear with continued use of the medication. Lactic acidosis is very rare, 1 in 30,000, but has been known to be fatal in approximately 50% of cases if it occurs. Side effects should be minimal if taken with a meal. You can also switch to the extended release oral medication to help alleviate any potential side effects.

The most common side effects are vomiting, nausea, a metallic taste, abdominal bloating and weight loss. If you have any heartbeat changes, chest pains, and an allergic reaction or feel weak you should stop taking the medication and see your doctor immediately. Low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia is also possible and should be reported to your doctor as well.

Other conditions affected by Metformin are B12 and folic acid deficiencies. It is important to get all the nutrients you need in your diet or you can take a supplement to help you out.

It is obvious that the best way to lose weight is diet and exercise, but for many of us, that just won’t cut it. Sometimes we need to talk to our doctor to see what will work and Metformin weight loss is a possible option to achieve our weight loss goals.

Resouce :- http://www.marketpressrelease.com/Metformin-Weight-Loss-Type-II-Diabetes-1320787118.html

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Infertility Treatment with Metformin

Metformin is a powerful drug known to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes treatment. Metformin also known as Glucophage is the drug of first choice among doctors for type 2 diabetes treatment involving overweight and obese people and also those with normal kidney function.

As an oral anti-diabetic drug Metformin reduces blood sugar levels by controlling the amount of glucose produced by the liver and also by metabolizing the sugar present in the liver and blood. Thus Metformin makes it easier for the body to utilize the low levels of sugar present in the blood in an efficient and effective manner.

Due to this very reason Metformin is beneficial for people with weight issues and people who are insulin resistant. Since Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) a condition found in women is related to insulin resistance, Metformin can prove to be beneficial in the treatment of PCOS among women.

It has been observed that a normal woman ovulates in a regular cycle of 14 days with menstruation occurring in 28 days. However in PCOS which affects nearly 5-10% women the body produces more than one egg in a cycle resulting in anovulation, irregular periods, hyperandrogenism leading to infertility.  PCOS today has been found to be one of the major reasons for infertility among women today.

PCOS women have also been found to have cardiovascular risk factors as similar to people with metabolic syndrome. This is mainly due to insulin resistance syndrome present in PCOS women, which if left uncured or untreated can lead to type 2 diabetes after the of 40 in as much as 40% of the cases.
In such a scenario oral anti diabetic medicine Metformin with its ability to reduce blood sugar levels and improving metabolic functions of the body can be extremely beneficial in the treatment of infertility among women with PCOS.

Metformin acts by lowering the tissue's ability to resist insulin thereby allowing muscle and adipose cells to utilize glucose at normal insulin levels. The drug by lowering the absorption of sugar by the intestines, decreases production the production of hepatic glucose, without causing hypoglycemia in either normal or patients with type 2 diabetes.

Metformin thus by controlling blood sugar levels, increasing metabolic function can help ease some of the chief symptoms of PCOS such as weight gain, insulin resistence, sluggish metabolism, irregular menstruation etc. So this type 2 diabetes treatment drug can effectively treat infertility among women with PCOS by correcting the very underlying cause of insulin resistance found in these women.
The recommended dose is 500 to 1,000 mg per day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Metformin is able to reduce blood sugar levels and treat type 2 diabetes

Metformin is a frequent prescription for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and is also being used to help patients that are obese and overweight. Metformin has demonstrated its ability to lower complications associated with cardiovascular, LDL (bad cholesterol), triglyceride level and diabetes.
Studies reveal how Metformin lowers hepatic gluconeogenesis but also lowers glucose absorption from the stomach and raises the sensitivity of insulin through an increased peripheral use of glucose.
Characteristics such as safety, ease of use, low cost, tolerability and fewer potential complications are looked for in diabetes medications by physicians. So it is no surprise that Metformin remains the first choice in treatment for type 2 diabetes as it is demonstrates the best risk benefit profile against any other diabetes drug.
In a report in the Journal Annals of Internal Medicine it was discovered by the Johns Hopkins team  that metformin was not only able to stabilize blood sugar levels but was also less likely to cause a gain in weight or an increase in cholesterol levels.
According to new John Hopkins research Metformin works just as well as newer and more expensive forms of diabetic medication and has fewer of the side effects associated with half a dozen of the others.
Metformin is able to reduce blood sugar levels through limiting the amount of glucose that is produced in the liver and through making cells more sensitive to insulin.
A study carried out on mice that was published in May 2009 proposed how Metformin performed to reduce blood sugar levels by stimulating a gene that is in the liver directly. This is how glucose production is closed off. Instead of just improving the sensitivity of insulin it is able to bypass the signaling for broken insulin.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to Treat PCOS With Metformin

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) is a disease or condition found in women of the reproductive age. In this condition the woman’s ovaries produce more eggs than required. It is characterized by an imbalance of female hormones due to the presence of many small fluid filled sacs in the ovary called cysts. The visible and apparent symptoms include changes in the menstrual cycle, skin changes, excessive hair growth, male pattern baldness, and weight gain.

PCOS is the main factor behind many women not able to get pregnant. So if you are having trouble getting pregnant and experiencing any or some of the above symptoms, it is likely that you are suffering from PCOS. However you need not worry as now with the advancement of modern medicine you can treat this condition and claim your fertility. Metformin used for type 2 diabetes treatment has been found to be helpful in this condition as well.

Metformin is a powerful drug known to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes treatment. Metformin also known as Glucophage is the drug of first choice among doctors for type 2 diabetes treatment involving overweight and obese people and also those with normal kidney function.
As an oral anti-diabetic drug Metformin reduces blood sugar levels by controlling the amount of glucose produced by the liver and also by metabolizing the sugar present in the liver and blood. Thus Metformin makes it easier for the body to utilize the low levels of sugar present in the blood in an efficient and effective manner.

 It has been observed that most women with PCOS have hyperinsulinemia which leads to excess androgen production by the ovaries and increased production of LH by the pituitary. The body tries to compensate for insulin resistance by producing more insulin.

This in turn leads to irregular ovulation, menstruation, increased body hair, numerous small ovarian cysts, and an increase in body weight especially around the stomach and waist. Moreover PCOS increases the chances of getting type 2 diabetes in a woman.

PCOS women have also been found to have cardiovascular risk factors as similar to people with metabolic syndrome. This wonderful diabetes treatment drug or metformin thus by increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin reduces blood sugar levels which in turn reduce the androgen production in the body, thereby making the ovulation to return after a few months of regular or consistent use. 

Metformin thus by restoring the normal menstrual cycle and ovulation can help women with PCOS treat their infertility and become pregnant. The recommended dose is 500mg three times with meals per day.

Read More :- http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/how-treat-pcos-metformin-671800.html

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is different from diabetes and is a condition of the body when either the pancreas  produces insufficient amounts of the hormone insulin or the body becomes resistant to normal or even high levels of insulin or both. This leads to increased sugar or glucose levels in the blood thereby leading to a number of complications and problems.

To avoid this condition, it is essential to keep blood sugar levels under control before they reach a dangerous or alarming level. To help treat this condition several different types of oral medicines are available as prescription drugs for type 2 diabetes treatment.

Metformin is one such prescription medicine which is taken orally to reduce blood sugar levels in the body to a normal or optimal level for the proper functioning and health of the vital organs of the body. Though the exact functioning of this diabetes treatment is yet not known clearly, it is been noted that metformin helps in lowering the amount of glucose sent by the liver into the bloodstream by making the the cells of the body more responsive to insulin.

When the cells of the body become more sensitive to insulin they become automatically more adept in removing the excess sugar from the blood effectively. Not only that, metformin has also been observed to reduce blood sugar levels by decreasing the amount of glucose or sugar being absorbed by the intestines immediately after eating. Metformin thus proves to be an effective and efficient diabetes treatment.

However, for the drug to work effectively a balanced diet and an exercise regimen is necessary, without which the medicine fails to deliver its desired results. Also the drug must be taken at regular intervals before or after meals and on the same time each day for increased effectiveness. You should always consult a doctor before taking metformin for type 2 diabetes treatment, as metformin is prescription drug and any lower or higher dose than prescribed can cause serious complications.

Also you should avoid taking this medicine or consult a doctor if you any of the conditions like kidney problem, liver disease, heart disease or if you are suffering from some severe infection, as in such cases use of metformin can result in a life threatening condition called lactic acidosis.

Metformin is a safe medicine if taken in recommended doses under the supervision of a doctor. Few of the adverse effects include nausea, headaches, heartburn, acidity, gas, bad smell and stomach upset.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Claim Your Fertility With Metformin

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) is a condition which affects nearly 5-10% of the reproductive female population and is generally considered as the leading cause of infertility among women of the reproductive age. This condition results in an imbalance of female hormones due to the presence of many small fluid filled sacs in the ovary called cysts. PCOS is characterized by changes in the menstrual cycle, skin changes, excessive hair growth, male pattern baldness, and weight gain.

So if you are having trouble getting pregnant and experiencing any or some of the above symptoms, it is likely that you are suffering from PCOS. However you need not worry as now with the advancement of modern medicine you can treat this condition and claim your fertility. Metformin used for type 2 diabetes treatment has been found to be helpful in this condition as well.

Though metformin is diabetes treatment drug that help to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients it is increasingly used today to treat infertility among women with PCOS disorder. It has been observed that most women with PCOS have hyperinsulinemia which leads to excess androgen production by the ovaries and increased production of LH by the pituitary. The body tries to compensate for insulin resistance by producing more insulin.

This in turn leads to irregular ovulation, menstruation, increased body hair, numerous small ovarian cysts, and an increase in body weight especially around the stomach and waist. Moreover PCOS increases the chances of getting type 2 diabetes in a woman.

This wonderful diabetes treatment drug or metformin thus by increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin reduces blood sugar levels which in turn reduce the androgen production in the body, thereby making the ovulation to return after a few months of regular or consistent use.

Metformin thus by restoring the normal menstrual cycle and ovulation can help women with PCOS treat their infertility and become pregnant. However before proceeding to take this type 2 diabetes treatment drug to get rid of your hormonal problem, you must rule out for any kidney, heart, or liver disease for any life threatening complication as metformin can result in a fatal condition called lactic acidosis in people with these problems.

The recommended dose of metformin to treat infertility caused by PCOS in women is 500mg three times with meals per day on a regular basis.

Read More :- Claim Your Fertility With Metformin

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lead a Diabetes free life with Metformin

If you are a diabetic patient the answer to the above question will be a ‘yes.' Over the world, over two million people battle with diabetes on a daily basis. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that leads to increase in blood glucose levels which basically stems from defective insulin secretion. Blood glucose levels in the body are controlled by a hormone produced by pancreas. If untreated, diabetes can have serious repercussions like kidney failure, heart attacks, and nerve damages. There are three types of diabetes- pre diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Adults suffer from type 2 diabetes. With healthy changes in lifestyle and diet, it is possible to treat diabetes.

A new and innovative drug Metformin helps reduce blood sugar levels, tackle age-related diabetes and lower cholesterol. It works in a unique and interesting way. First, it reduces amount of glucose produced by liver. Then, it reduces the amount of glucose absorbed by stomach through food and lastly, it increases the effectiveness of insulin in body by reducing the glucose already present in blood. Other glucose lowering drugs available in market like glyburide, glipizide reduces blood sugar levels excessively in body when used alone. This can also cause problems and other side effects. Metformin however, resolves this problem and does not increase the concentration of insulin in blood.

Metformin also averts the risk of pancreatic cancer in obese people. According to latest research, it also helps in reducing other associated complications of diabetes like heart disease, blindness, and kidney diseases. A study published in 2002 also confirms that it helps in recovery after minor ischemic attacks. Diabetes often leads to premature or accelerated aging. People develop glucose intolerance as the age progresses.  

Metformin helps in dealing with age related diabetes. Other benefits include reduction in age related diabetes, prevention of sugar cravings, improved body composition, and stabilization of sugar levels. Metformin lowers cholesterol levels by preventing low density lipoprotein from attaching to blood platelets and arteries.  This thereby, helps in reducing blood clotting.

The dosage should be limited to 500 mg to 850 mg two to three times a day for people aged over 40 years and above. If you suffer from any kidney or liver problems, consult certified physician before taking this medicine. Rare side effects like headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea may be experienced. Metformin can lead to deficiency of Vitamin B12. It is important to take supplements of Vitamin B12 along with this diabetes treatment. Use of Metformin should be prohibited with the use of other hyper-sensitive products. Remember, together with healthy diet and diabetic medication, you can help you lead stress free life and enjoy the beauty of life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bid Goodbye to Age Related Diabetes-Use Metformin

The reasons for diabetes among young people and elderly people are different. Due to various physiological changes, elderly people are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. The treatment for these people is different from the treatment for the younger generation. Along with diabetes, they are also at a risk of developing other fatal diseases like cancer or other impaired physical functioning. With few changes in diet and lifestyle it is possible to combat this disease. Diet should be monitored along with regular physical exercise. There are also certain types of drugs available that help in diabetes treatment.

Metformin is an effective drug that helps
reduce blood sugar levels, It works in three ways. It reduces the amount of sugar produced in the liver, it lowers the amount of glucose absorbed from food through stomach and lastly improves the effectiveness of insulin in the body. The pancreas in the body produces insulin that lowers the glucose levels in the blood. A retarded production of insulin in the body leads to diabetes. There are a lot of products like glyburide, glipzide that reduce blood sugar levels. These drugs tend to increase the concentration of insulin in the blood leading to excessively low blood glucose levels when used alone.

counter these effects and can be safely taken alone. Diabetes gives birth to other complications like kidney failure, heart disorders, and cardiovascular arrests. Meformin has been tested to be useful not only in diabetes treatment but also in averting the risk of such fatal diseases. According to a recent report, this drug has been useful in preventing pancreatic cancer in obese people. This also contains antioxidants that help in the recovery of the heart after minor ischemic incidents. Diabetes is known to accelerate aging. Metformin helps to reduce blood sugar levels, prevent sugar cravings, improves body composition, and stabilization of sugar levels in the body. It also lowers cholesterol levels and prevents low-density lipoproteins to attach to blood platelets and arteries.

The dosage should be limited to 500 mg- 850 mg once or twice a day for individuals aged over 40 years. If you have other associated problems like liver or kidney failure, consult a doctor. If you feel dizzy or unwell, stop the usage. Metformin should be used cautiously as it has been observed to cause the deficiency of Vitamin B12. Supplements of Vitamin B12 are recommended. Remember, it is possible to treat diabetes. With prudent care and changes in lifestyle, it is possible to overcome diabetes and lead healthy, stress free life.

Metformin is a Oral Diabetes Drug for Type 2 Diabetes

Highly effective and popular oral diabetes drug Metformin is an aid for Type II diabetes. Metformin performs by reducing the amount of glucose that is produced in the liver and by making body cells more sensitive to insulin. Other than aiding diabetes metformin's other beneficial effects consist of weight loss treatment and assisting to lower blood lipid or fat levels, (better known as cholesterol and triglycerides).

Metformin was approved by the US FDA in 1994 for having the ability to reduce blood glucose ways. levels in the following It can lower the amount of glucose that is created in the liver in addition to the amount absorbed through the stomach. By
reduce blood sugar levels it can improve the effectiveness of insulin in the body. However when used alone it does not increase the strength of blood insulin neither does it produce excessively low blood glucose amounts.

A study published by the American Diabetes Association revealed metformin was able to reduce the fasting plasma glucose concentration by -60 to -70 mg/dl in those who had non-insulin dependent type II diabetes. Metformin can also lower haemoglobin A1C levels (blood measurement of glycosylation). One of the most damaging effects of diabetes is protein degradation which is triggered by the forming of advanced glycated end products. A decline in serum haemoglobin A1C is a good indicator for regular glucose control in diabetics.

Recently there has been some evidence of vitamin b12 deficiency in those who take metformin.

As Metformin can inhibit the uptake of Vitamin B12 a B12 supplement is strongly recommended.

Vitamin B12 plays a number of important roles in the body which include:

1. Being largely responsible for creating, maintaining and repairing red blood cells

2. Allows a smoother functioning of the healthy nervous system
3. Controls Homocysteine levels, a deficiency in Vitamin B12 would result in hematological conditions thus increasing the risk of stroke heart diseases and osteoporosis
4. Promotes healthy Skin & Hair
5. Promotes absorption of folic acid which is essential for the synthesis of red blood cells in the body
6. Aids weight lossthrough speeding the metabolism process, therefore burning more calories
7. Promotes a healthy pregnancy as pregnant women require a higher quantity of Vitamin B12
8. Helps combat mental decline
9 .Treats depression by promoting activity of hormones and neurotransmitters that can influence your mood and emotional state,
10. Allows better sleep by enhancing the production of Melatonin

The bringing together of Metformin and Vitamin B12 makes a good combination to fight diabetes.

Overcome Type II Diabetes With Metformin

When in action, Metformin lowers the quantum of glucose produced in the liver. It tends to improve the effectiveness of insulin in the body by lowering the glucose level already present in the blood. This drug has also proved to be beneficial for weight loss treatment as it lowers the blood lipid or fat levels in the body.

Approved by the US FDA in 1994 for its ability to reduce blood glucose,
Metformin also aids in better absorption of glucose levels produced through stomach. Empirically, a study conducted by the American Diabetes Association confirmed that those who subscribed to Metformin recorded a reduction in fasting plasma glucose concentration by -60 to -70 mg/dl as compared to those who did not subscribe to this life-changing drug. Metformin also lowers the production of hemoglobin A1C levels (blood measurement of glycosylation). A decline in the production of this serum is a good indicator for type II diabetic patient.

Research shows that Metformin averts other complications like heart disease, blindness, and kideney diseases associated with
type II diabetes. A study conducted in April 2002, indicates that this drug also proves beneficial in preventing pancreatic cancer in obese people. Furthermore, the study highlights that Metformin acts as anti oxidant and improves the recovery of the heart after minor ischemic attacks.

Diabetes often expedites the process of ageing or promotes accelerated premature ageing. 11.3 percent of people in US over the age of 20 years and above suffer from glucose intolerance. Metformin saves the day by reducing the risk of age related diabetes, prevention of sugar cravings, stabilization of sugar levels along with improved body composition and improved insulin levels. It lowers the cholesterol levels and prevents low-density lipoproteins from attaching to arteries, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting.

For patients aged 40 years and above, regular dosage of 550mg to 850 mg once or twice a day should suffice. Consult a physician if the need persists. Stop the doasge immediately, if you notice any liver or kidney problems.

Side effects may be encountered in some rare cases. These include vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. Recently, there has been evidence indicating a vitamin B12 deficiency in those who take Metformin. Vitamin B12 supplements are strongly recommended for these patients.

Remember, it is possible to combat type II diabetes. With few changes in the lifestyle along with this life changing oral diabetes drug Metformin, bring a new ray of hope and happiness into your lives.
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Metformin – An Anti Diabetes Drugs to Control Blood Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes

Popular diabetes medication Metformin is a blood glucose regulator. Metformin an oral anti diabetic drugs is part of the biguanide class and is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for type II diabetics. Metformin has the ability to dramatically improve the condition of diabetics by tackling diabetes and can also reduce cholesterol.

Metformin lessens the amount of glucose (sugar) in a triple action method. This consists of:

1. Lowering the level of glucose produced in the liver

2. Lowering the level of glucose absorbed from food by means of your stomach

3. Developing the efficacy of insulin in the body in lowering glucose that exists in the blood.

Diabetes types I and II are becoming increasingly common with Type 2 Diabetes form being most prevalent in the elderly. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder whereby the pancreas is incapable of producing satisfactory amounts of insulin to prevent hyperglycemia. This is then followed by diabetic symptoms of blurry vision, weight loss, excessive thirst and continuous fluid drinking amongst others.

By improving how the body handles insulin, Metformin helps lower blood sugar levels. This is achieved through preventing the liver from producing excess glucose by making muscle and fat cells increasingly sensitive to insulin that is available.

Not only does Metformin reduce glucose the long term cause of diabetes, but it can also reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and still prevent weight gain unlike other blood-glucose lowering drugs which are unable to do. High levels of overweight, cholesterol and triglyceride all increase the risk of forming heart disease, which is the top cause of death in those suffering from Type II diabetes. Moreover Metformin prevents hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) when it is the sole diabetic medicine taken.

The performance of Metformin is different to other anti-diabetic drugs like sulfonylureas (e.g., Glyburide, Diabinase, Micronase, etc). Sulfonylureas perform by raising the output of insulin from the pancreas. After some time this can result in the failure of the pancreas thus changing a Type II diabetic who is non-insulin dependent into a Type I who is insulin dependent.

Metformin performs by raising the sensitivity of the hypothalamus and peripheral tissues to the effect of insulin. As a result it is able to revitalize this response returning glucose and insulin effects to physiologically younger levels. Those who are Type I insulin dependent can often radically lower their insulin dose thus easily maintain stabilized blood glucose levels.

Metformin performs in a more physiologic approach than sulfonylureas or even exogensously administered insulin itself. As a result Metformin does not cause hypoglycemia which is often an outcome of insulin or the sulfonylureas.