Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Control Diabetes with Metformin

The latest survey on diabetes reveals a startling fact. The total number of people suffering from diabetes will double by 2020. Diabetes is chronic disorder characterized by high glucose levels or inefficient production of insulin in blood. There are two types of diabetes- type1, found mostly in kids, and type 2 diabetes, found in adults. If unattended, it can lead to serious repercussion like kidney failure, blindness, and nerve damage. Researchers are trying to devise various effective diabetes treatments. One such drug that has come at the right time to help people battling with diabetes is Metformin. This wonder drug helps regulate blood sugar levels in body, tackles age related diabetes, and lowers cholesterol levels in body.

Metformin has triple benefits. First, it lowers the amount of glucose produced in the liver, then, it reduces the amount of glucose absorbed through stomach from food, and lastly, it improves the effectiveness of insulin in body. Usually the glucose lowering drugs available in the market tend to lower blood glucose levels in body leading to a condition known as hypoglycaemia. Metformin on the other hand does not increase the concentration of insulin in the blood. 
According to the latest research, the drug helps in preventing pancreatic cancer in obese people. It also acts as an antioxidant and helps in preventing minor ischemic attacks. Diabetes also leads to premature aging/ accelerate aging. It also helps in preventing sugar cravings, stabilizes sugar levels, improves body composition, and improves insulin use. This drug also helps in lowering cholesterol levels in body by preventing low-density lipoprotein from attaching to the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting. Due to its sugar stabilizing properties, it is very useful for dieters and helps in preventing sugar cravings.

The dosage should be limited to 500 mg to 850 mg once or twice a day for people aged 40 years and above. People suffering with kidney or liver problems should consult a doctor before taking this medicine. Side effects in the form of nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, and stomach pain may be experienced. This drug can lead to deficiency of Vitamin B 12 , so the supplements of the same are recommended. Metformin should not be combined with other anti- hypertensive medicines, as it can lead to renal failure, cardiovascular problems, and other respiratory problems. Remember, diabetes is a chronic disease. It can never be fully cured. With diabetes treatment in the form of medicines, healthy diet, you can keep diabetes and other complications at bay. 

Read More :- http://www.artipot.com/articles/991145/control-diabetes-with-metformin.htm

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Metformin Weight Loss & Type II Diabetes

If you have tried endlessly to lose weight and failed every time, you may want to consult with your doctor about insulin resistance and the possibilities of Metformin weight loss. There have been studies that have shown Metformin to help you lose weight, especially if you have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes.

It is not clear that Metformin can help people lose weight if they do not have Type II diabetes but it has been prescribed to women and girls who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and have gained a lot of weight in a small amount time and cannot lose it no matter how much they exercise and watch what they eat.

Metformin weight loss happens when, with the assistance of the medication, your body learns to respond appropriately to the insulin that is released into the bloodstream and decreases the amount of glucose that the liver releases into the bloodstream according to what you eat.

Metformin has been prescribed by doctors for over 40 years to treat Type II diabetes for many other conditions and weight loss is one of them. It has been shown to decrease the death rate for individuals with Type II diabetes by an amazing 36%.

Metformin Side effects include diarrhea, indigestion and some people developing lactic acidosis which is rare. Most of the side effects are mild and will most likely disappear with continued use of the medication. Lactic acidosis is very rare, 1 in 30,000, but has been known to be fatal in approximately 50% of cases if it occurs. Side effects should be minimal if taken with a meal. You can also switch to the extended release oral medication to help alleviate any potential side effects.

The most common side effects are vomiting, nausea, a metallic taste, abdominal bloating and weight loss. If you have any heartbeat changes, chest pains, and an allergic reaction or feel weak you should stop taking the medication and see your doctor immediately. Low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia is also possible and should be reported to your doctor as well.

Other conditions affected by Metformin are B12 and folic acid deficiencies. It is important to get all the nutrients you need in your diet or you can take a supplement to help you out.

It is obvious that the best way to lose weight is diet and exercise, but for many of us, that just won’t cut it. Sometimes we need to talk to our doctor to see what will work and Metformin weight loss is a possible option to achieve our weight loss goals.

Resouce :- http://www.marketpressrelease.com/Metformin-Weight-Loss-Type-II-Diabetes-1320787118.html