Approved by the US FDA in 1994 for its ability to reduce blood glucose, Metformin also aids in better absorption of glucose levels produced through stomach. Empirically, a study conducted by the American Diabetes Association confirmed that those who subscribed to Metformin recorded a reduction in fasting plasma glucose concentration by -60 to -70 mg/dl as compared to those who did not subscribe to this life-changing drug. Metformin also lowers the production of hemoglobin A1C levels (blood measurement of glycosylation). A decline in the production of this serum is a good indicator for type II diabetic patient.
Research shows that Metformin averts other complications like heart disease, blindness, and kideney diseases associated with type II diabetes. A study conducted in April 2002, indicates that this drug also proves beneficial in preventing pancreatic cancer in obese people. Furthermore, the study highlights that Metformin acts as anti oxidant and improves the recovery of the heart after minor ischemic attacks.
Diabetes often expedites the process of ageing or promotes accelerated premature ageing. 11.3 percent of people in US over the age of 20 years and above suffer from glucose intolerance. Metformin saves the day by reducing the risk of age related diabetes, prevention of sugar cravings, stabilization of sugar levels along with improved body composition and improved insulin levels. It lowers the cholesterol levels and prevents low-density lipoproteins from attaching to arteries, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting.
For patients aged 40 years and above, regular dosage of 550mg to 850 mg once or twice a day should suffice. Consult a physician if the need persists. Stop the doasge immediately, if you notice any liver or kidney problems.
Side effects may be encountered in some rare cases. These include vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. Recently, there has been evidence indicating a vitamin B12 deficiency in those who take Metformin. Vitamin B12 supplements are strongly recommended for these patients.
Remember, it is possible to combat type II diabetes. With few changes in the lifestyle along with this life changing oral diabetes drug Metformin, bring a new ray of hope and happiness into your lives.
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